Benjamin, Michelle, & Jeremias Herrera

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Our Busy Day!
Yesterday Jeremias got to go to the park for the first time and play! Before we went to the park I had to go get some blood work done. So I started off my morning without food and a lot of blood drawn... I was already tired and had a long day ahead of me.
We had a play date with a few sisters in our ward and their kids. He loved it! He didn't want to crawl or be held, he only wanted to walk. He didn't do so well walking on his own at the park so he had to hold my hand. We went all over the park and he would jump up and down the steps, go down the slide, and climbed on everything. He wore me out!
After the park we went home and took a really good bath because he was really dirty! Then he took a nap and when he woke up he got really brave and decided to run all by himself. He was running away from me in the house and he fell and hit his head on the back of the couch. He got a pretty good bump and a burn across his eye and forehead. It looks so sad... poor little guy.. So now today he has been pretty scared to walk on his own.
We also went to my parents house to tell them bye. i helped them pack up their bags so they could try to leave on time. They are going to go to Utah to pick up Kristy and watch her graduate on Friday! I wish we could have gone. :( Jeremias really didn't want to say bye.. he got so sad and upset when we left them. He loves his grandparents.
Then we went to Walmart to get a few things and ran home really quick only to fine a ton of bees inside our house. Ben got home and started to kill them. I think he ended up killing atleast 25 bees if not more. We think they came in through the window AC unit.... We couldn't stay long to keep killing bees because ben had to go out with the missionaries and I had a Relief Society meeting at church. So Jeremias and I headed out yet again to church. He did pretty good for the 1st hour but the 2nd hour he was getting pretty fussy. He had had a long day! He fell asleep as soon as i got him ready for bed.
After he went to bed I finally finnished putting together another project (#2) for Rocky and I also put all the pictures in Jeremias' first year picture frame. So now I have one picture per month from birth to 1 year! I looks so good! I can't believe how much he has changed over the last year.
Jeremias and I had a very busy and productive day together! But boy am I tired today from running around so much yesterday.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Pictures of the party!
This was the Happy 1st Birthday sign I decided to make at the last min. so it's not too detailed. This was the night before the party.
Here is where Jeremias will sit for his pictures with his cake on his birthday!
This is the sign I painted to go with his painting when he was born. It was the theme for the birthday this year!
He kepy pulling down the balloons and playing with them.
This is the amazing cake Mirna did for him! it looked and tasted amazing!
Jeremias' 1st Birthday!
I know I am way over due for a blog update. I thought I would share a very special event with everyone! Jeremias turned 1! I can't believe that my baby boy is growing up so fast. It seems like just last month that I was huge, pregnant and on bed rest. Just a little update on Jeremias- I no longer have a baby. He is a toddler and has been the size of a toddler for a while now. He isn't walking yet,which is fine with me! He loves climbing on everything. Just the other day I found him stuck on top of his kid table in his room crying because he couldn't get down. Crazy little boy! He is the master cruiser and a fast crawler. He loves to laugh and have a crowd to watch him perform. :) Ben and I are extreemly lucky to have this special spirit in our family. We wouldn't be complete without him. I can't imagine life anymore without my sweet Jeremias!
For his birthday we celebrated it with a lot of family! We had a party at our rent house with a total of 36 people. We cooked hotdogs, beans, macaroni, had cips and then most of all, cake and ice cream! We would have actually had around 65 people there but most of bens family was unable to attend. Bens mom made his cake- It was amazing! I found the recipe for it online on a baby website and it was super good. It tasted like banana bread with a caramal filling with cream frosting! yummy! The theme for his party was jungle animals since thats the painting I did for him when he was born. So the cake had palm trees, clouds, flowers and animals on it.
Jeremias was a bit overwhelmed at first with all the noise and people but he quickly warmed up and had a good time. First we had everyone eat dinner at about 530 and then we sang happy birthday. Jeremias had a shocked look on his face while everyone was singing for him. He didn't understand... He tried to touch the flame of the candle while we were singing and luckily i caught him before he touched it. Ben and I had to blow out the candle since Jeremias wouldn't do it. Then we let him eat a cupcake that mirna made and at first he didn't like it because he was dirty and sticky (I usually dont let him get dirty... my fault!) but once ben let him taste it, it was all over from there. He dug into that cupcake like there was no tomorrow! He usually doesn't get much sugar because of his teeth and I am a health nut about what he eats... So he had a major sugar rush the rest of the evening. We gave everyone cake and icecream which was amazingly good and then we opened gifts. Jeremias was so funny because he would open one gift (with my help) and fall in love with the toy and not want you to take it away to open another one. But then he would see the next one and fall in love again! it was so funny to see him so excited! He got a lot of great toys which were much needed. I was needing to buy him some big kid toys so it saved me a lot fo purchasing! After gifts many people left and just mom, dad, adam, alicia, Lyndi and justin, bens parents and jose and kamie, and bryan stayed a little longer and helped set up all of his toys for him to play. I think the guys had more fun playing then Jeremias did at first. Jeremias would just giggle and giggle at everyting for the rest of the evening until we finally put him to bed. And he went to sleep fast! and slept all night long! He had partied him self out! Bryan adam, alicia, justin, and lyndi stayed over until about 11pm just visiting. It was a lot of fun! After we cleaned up ben and I crashed about as hard as Jeremias did. Jeremias just woke up so I will try to post the pictures of the party later on today!
For his birthday we celebrated it with a lot of family! We had a party at our rent house with a total of 36 people. We cooked hotdogs, beans, macaroni, had cips and then most of all, cake and ice cream! We would have actually had around 65 people there but most of bens family was unable to attend. Bens mom made his cake- It was amazing! I found the recipe for it online on a baby website and it was super good. It tasted like banana bread with a caramal filling with cream frosting! yummy! The theme for his party was jungle animals since thats the painting I did for him when he was born. So the cake had palm trees, clouds, flowers and animals on it.
Jeremias was a bit overwhelmed at first with all the noise and people but he quickly warmed up and had a good time. First we had everyone eat dinner at about 530 and then we sang happy birthday. Jeremias had a shocked look on his face while everyone was singing for him. He didn't understand... He tried to touch the flame of the candle while we were singing and luckily i caught him before he touched it. Ben and I had to blow out the candle since Jeremias wouldn't do it. Then we let him eat a cupcake that mirna made and at first he didn't like it because he was dirty and sticky (I usually dont let him get dirty... my fault!) but once ben let him taste it, it was all over from there. He dug into that cupcake like there was no tomorrow! He usually doesn't get much sugar because of his teeth and I am a health nut about what he eats... So he had a major sugar rush the rest of the evening. We gave everyone cake and icecream which was amazingly good and then we opened gifts. Jeremias was so funny because he would open one gift (with my help) and fall in love with the toy and not want you to take it away to open another one. But then he would see the next one and fall in love again! it was so funny to see him so excited! He got a lot of great toys which were much needed. I was needing to buy him some big kid toys so it saved me a lot fo purchasing! After gifts many people left and just mom, dad, adam, alicia, Lyndi and justin, bens parents and jose and kamie, and bryan stayed a little longer and helped set up all of his toys for him to play. I think the guys had more fun playing then Jeremias did at first. Jeremias would just giggle and giggle at everyting for the rest of the evening until we finally put him to bed. And he went to sleep fast! and slept all night long! He had partied him self out! Bryan adam, alicia, justin, and lyndi stayed over until about 11pm just visiting. It was a lot of fun! After we cleaned up ben and I crashed about as hard as Jeremias did. Jeremias just woke up so I will try to post the pictures of the party later on today!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Big Baby!!!
So I had my last check up at the doctor today before the baby is born. I also had one last sonogram.
Last monday when I went to the doctor after I had left, the doctor called me back and told me she had a feeling that we needed to check and see how much the baby weighed. She said she was afraid that my fluid is fine and the baby is really big. So she scheduled me to have a sonogram today.
When I went in for my sonogram the lady doing it said, "oh your poor stomach!" she said she hadn't ever felt anyones stomach as hard as mine and she has been doing this a long time. I figured that it was due to all my extra amniotic fluid.(little did i know it was because of a big baby instead) Then she saw the baby and took measurements for the doctor on weight and also my fluid. I asked if she could tell me anything or if I had to wait on my Dr. to tell me. and she said i had to wait for my doctor to tell me. All she would say was He is a big boy! then i was worried about it.
When i met with my doctor and she read the results of the sonogram her eyes got really big! which of course scared me! and she said well, you are going to have a big baby! he is approx. 9 lbs and 3 oz. She said that there is a chance he is one pound more or one pound less. But we think he is a pound more then that if anything. She told me that my amniotic fluid is back to normal levels so it is all baby in there!
Since this is my first baby she thinks there is a high risk for some complications because my body isn't ready for something this big. She said that if I have a natural birth there is a large posibility that his head will come out and then his shoulders will not. She said that when that happens they try to make as much room as they can for the shoulders and then they will break his arms to get him out. I can't bear the thought of even the posibility of him having his arms broken! You never know if this will happen until you are actually delivering the baby. So there is a posibility there will be no problems or there is a posibility there will be a big problem.
The other option is to just have a c-section. which there are risk with a c-section as well. She wants me to call her first thing in the morning and tell her my decision.
Ben and I have been praying and trying to weigh all the odds of our decision we have to make and listening to the spirt to know what to do.
We have decided that the best option is to do a c-section. It will be the safest option for the baby. I am putting his needs first before my needs and wants.
Please pray for everything to go well! We need love and support from family and friends!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I got a job for 3 yrs secured with CORE. school starts next week and maybe my kid will be born as well. bye everyone.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Happy 50th!
Happy 50th Anniversary!!!
This is my memaw and papaws 50th anniversary. It is amazing that people can be so in love! I am grateful to call them my grandparents. We did a suprise party for them at catfish village. They just wanted to have the family there. I got a short break form my bedrest and was put up in 2 chairs. All the family donated money to go together to treat them to a vacation trip with just the 2 of them! i think they are going to go somewhere in october. Kenneth also made a picture scrap book for them. Everyone gathered pictures of their families and it was all put together to create and amazing book of memories. My mom also put together a letter book. Everyone in the family wrote a letter to memaw and papaw with either stories from the past involving them, things they learned from them or just anything that came to their minds to write. And they are all put together by families in a notebook for them to keep and to hand down form generation to generation so everyone will know what type of people my grandparents are!
Baby Shower in Gilmer
This was my baby shower in Gilmer! It was on Saturday July 17th 1-3 pm at my home. It was a really good turn out. With all those who came and stayed and came and left we had about 35 people. We got a lot of great gifts for the baby at the shower as well as from people who are continuing to give us stuff at church.
My shower was hosted by my mom, jennifer, Alicia, Memaw, brandy and Lyndi. I am grateful for all of their hard work and dedication in putting my shower together and making it turn out great! Thanks for all your time and money and support. I know it was a big deal.
My mom did a great job with the cute decorations, sandwiches, baby book, baby bed, mints, and organizing everyone together to do their part in hostesing.
Lyndi made some amazing invitations and did a great job writting down all the people and gifts for me.
Jennifer got some yummy cupcakes, cucumber water, and she is creating an advice book for me from those who attended.
Memaw made a great fruit tray, sandwiches, and cracker tray.
Brandy made some yummy baby blue punch, and also did a big job helping me open gifts, and serve punch.
Alicia did a wonderful job preparing and organzing the activities for the shower. She had a guess the baby food game, paint a onesie, and got letters of advice from those who attended.
and everyone did a great job setting up and cleaning up before and after the party!
(my sash says mother to be)
This is the only picture of me opening a gift! by this time my ankles were huge and swollen. and my back was hurting from sitting up so long with constant contractions! the love of being a mom!
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